Published on
November 24, 2023

1 John 3

“Look at how great a love the Father has given us, that we should be called God’s children.”

Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Author Photo
Steve Wiggins
Read Time
4 minutes
1 John 3
“Look at how great a love the Father has given us, that we should be called God’s children. And we are! The reason the World does not know us is that it didn’t know Him.” 1 John 3:1 (HCSB)

I recently saw a documentary on “Children of the Rich & Famous.” To me, the kid who stood out most was Paris Hilton. It’s not because she’s a pop singer, a fashion model, or a reality TV diva. It’s because I used to live in hotel rooms, touring around the globe in a rock band.

When a band is just starting out, nobody pays them any money! They usually drive a rusty van and sleep on strangers’ floors and in run-down hotels. Glamorous, huh?

I remember one concert promoter early in my career. He put us up in a Hilton hotel. It was incredible! The carpet didn’t smell like stale beer, and the sheets didn’t have stains. There wasn’t the “38-caliber” 2 am wake-up call we had become accustomed to.   For me, Hilton meant Heaven!

Enter Paris. What upset me so much was that she had diminished the Hilton name to “Motel 6” status.

How well do God’s children represent the name they have inherited? I often think about that question, usually whenever I have to make a decision that involves me choosing to be a servant or be served! What about you? Have you entered a saving relationship with Jesus? How have you represented and honored the new name the Lord has given you?

The third commandment says: “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.” Many followers of Jesus believe this commandment tells us not to use God’s name as a curse word. While it is never a good idea to flippantly say the Lord’s name, the 3rd commandment is actually telling us a whole other thing.

The 3rd commandment carries the idea that we should not “receive” the Lord’s name in vain. That is, don’t receive His Name (as a bride receives a groom’s name) and then act like you’re still married to the World.

I am glad I experienced “Hilton,” the hotel before I learned of “Hilton,” the heiress. Let’s pray she comes to know Jesus in a saving way soon. The apostle John says the World does not know us because it does not know God. Let’s do our best to live at a level of Biblical integrity, with hopes that the World chooses to know God because they know us...not despite knowing us.

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